Shoulder Blade (Scapula)
Either of a pair of large, flat, triangular-shaped bones that lie above the rib cage on either side of the upper back: SCAPULA.
The nurse told the patient that her shoulder blade looked like it was cracked. That explained the intense pain.
Either of a pair of large, flat, triangular-shaped bones that lie above the rib cage on either side of the upper back: SCAPULA.
The nurse told the patient that her shoulder blade looked like it was cracked. That explained the intense pain.
Cada uno de un par de huesos grandes, planos y de forma triangular que se encuentran sobre la caja torácica a ambos lados de la parte superior de la espalda: ESCÁPULA.
La enfermera le dijo a la paciente que su omóplato parecía estar fracturado. Eso explicaba el dolor intenso.
Jujunal chke ri juk'ulaj nima b'aq, lik'ilik xuquje' oxib' ki xukut ki wachib'al ri ke' riqitaj pa uwi' ri ukaxayil ri k'alk'a'x pa ri keb' rajsik uchaqapil re ri ij: ESCAPULA.
Rajtob'anel re ri ajkun xub'ij chre ri ajyawab' chi rulik'ilikb'aq uteleb' je ri xa q'ajinaq. Are rumal jasche k'o ri nimalaj q'oxom.