Sweat (Noun)
The fluid excreted from the sweat glands of the skin: PERSPIRATION.
The woman was drenching wet with sweat after walking for hours in the hot sun.
The fluid excreted from the sweat glands of the skin: PERSPIRATION.
The woman was drenching wet with sweat after walking for hours in the hot sun.
El fluido excretado por las glándulas sudoríparas de la piel: SUDOR.
La mujer estaba empapada de sudor después de caminar durante horas bajo el sol caliente.
Ri ja' ri kchub'axulo rumal taq ri unum ri ajtzaqol taq ja' re ri tz'umal: TZAQ JA'
Xch'aqaq le ixok are chi' tzaq ja' chi ri qas k'ate' xpe pa b'inem pa ri hor chuxe' ri uk'atanil ri q'ij.