U.S. National
A person who, though not a citizen of the United States, owes permanent allegiance to the United States (for example, persons born in American Samoa or Swains Island).
The news reported that a female U.S. National was awarded for her bravery.
A person who, though not a citizen of the United States, owes permanent allegiance to the United States (for example, persons born in American Samoa or Swains Island).
The news reported that a female U.S. National was awarded for her bravery.
Una persona que, aunque no es ciudadana de los Estados Unidos, debe lealtad permanente a los Estados Unidos (por ejemplo, personas nacidas en Samoa Americana o en la Isla Swains).
Las noticias informaron que una ciudadana nacional de los EE.UU. fue premiada por su valentía.
Junaq poyanam maawa' aj tenamitil xnim uq' li saq'e, naxk'e xwankilal re EEUU, jo'eb' li yolajenaqeb' chi xch'och'el Samoa re America maraj Kok' ch'och' xyi li palaw Swains).
A' lixhuhil esilal xtz'iib'a naq jun ixq aj tenamitil nim uq' li saq'e xk'ul xq'ajkamunkil xmaak li xkawilal xch'ool.
Jun winaq, Pu ne man achtinamital taj re EEUU, rajawaxik amaq'el kuya' uq'ij chre ri EEUU (jacha' ne' winaq ri xa'laxik pa America ri tinamit ri ek'o chupam ri plo Samoa ruk' ri Swains).
Xel utzijoxik chi ri jun ixoq u Amaq'il EEUU xya' utojb'al re rumal ri ko' utak'alemil.