The appellate court agrees with the lower court decision and allows it to stand.
The judge had no choice but to uphold the previous decision.
The appellate court agrees with the lower court decision and allows it to stand.
The judge had no choice but to uphold the previous decision.
El tribunal de apelación está de acuerdo con la decisión del tribunal inferior y permite que se mantenga.
El juez no tuvo más remedio que confirmar la decisión anterior.
B'arwi' li raqleb'aal chaq'rab' re wech'ok naxk'am rib' sa' aatin rik'in li raqleb'aal chaq'rab' kub'enaq.
Laj raqol aatin maak'a'xruhan chi xyeeb'al, teneb'anb'il b'an sa' xb'een chi xk'ojob'ankil raatin li ak' yeeb'il chaq.
Xqa'j pa ujolom ri nimalaj q'atb'altzij re toq'inem tzij, ri u q'atoj tzij ri alaj q'atb'al tzij xaqi jela' xjeqi' kanoq.
Ri ajq'atol tzij maj jawije' ku cha' jun k'wi chomab'al chik xa ne xu jikib'a' ri Uto'b'al Rij Tzij ri xb'ix nab'ekanoq.