To discharge urine.
The boy was having a hard time urinating. The doctor said that it was due to dehydration and that he wanted im to drink more water.
To discharge urine.
The boy was having a hard time urinating. The doctor said that it was due to dehydration and that he wanted im to drink more water.
Expulsar orina.
El niño tenía dificultades para orinar. El médico dijo que se debía a la deshidratación y que quería que bebiera más agua.
Ri esanemulo re ri ja' chuluj.
Ri alaj ak'al katajin ku riq k'ax che ri ub'anik ri uchul. Ri ajkun xu b'ij chi are rumal chi man k'ota joron pa ri ub'aqil le ak'al xuquje' xu b'ij che cha tija' na k'i joron.