
A variety of bee that is not domesticated, has a harsh bite, and generally is black and yellow.
The wasp nest under the eaves of my house was so large that I had to call the fire department to remove it.
A variety of bee that is not domesticated, has a harsh bite, and generally is black and yellow.
The wasp nest under the eaves of my house was so large that I had to call the fire department to remove it.
Variedad de abeja que no est谩 domesticada, tiene un mordisco 谩spero y generalmente es de color negro y amarillo.
El nido de avispas debajo del alero de mi casa era tan grande que tuve que llamar a los bomberos para que lo retiraran.
Jun chke ri wonon ri man ajuwoja taj, k'ax ri ktyonik xuquje' konojel mul q'eq ruk' q'an ri utzajb'al.
Ri ki sok ri q'atz'ta'l ri k'o chu xe' ri uwi' ri ja, sib'laj nim rumal re xi'n sik'ij ri ajchupul taq q'aq' chre ri resaxik ub'ik.