A bird, often vividly colored, with a short down-curved hooked bill, grasping feet, and a raucous voice, found especially in the tropics and feeding on fruits and seeds.
At the pet store the boy begged his father to buy him a parrot.
A bird, often vividly colored, with a short down-curved hooked bill, grasping feet, and a raucous voice, found especially in the tropics and feeding on fruits and seeds.
At the pet store the boy begged his father to buy him a parrot.
Un ave, a menudo de colores vivos, con un pico corto y ganchudo y curvado hacia abajo, patas prensoras y una voz estridente, que se encuentra especialmente en los tr贸picos y se alimenta de frutas y semillas.
En la tienda de mascotas, el ni帽o le rog贸 a su padre que le comprara un loro.
Jun rapapinel chikop, sib'alaj je'l utz'ajb'al, ruk' alaj utz'ob' xuquje' ajmajib'al tz'ob' xuquje' kotokik ruwach, ri raqan e laq'apunel xuquje' koo ri uch'ab'al, le are' ke' riqitaj pa taq ri q'aq'alaj taq ulew, xuquje' le are' ku tzuq rib' ruk' uwachib'al taq che' xuquje' ruk' taq ija'.
Pa le k'ayb'al kech ajupa ja chikop, le alaj ala ku b'ochi'j ri utat chre ri uloq'ik jun u k'el.