Wild Turkey

A type of turkey that lives in the wild, non-domesticated.
Texas has the largest population of wild turkeys in the United States, with over 500, 000 birds.
A type of turkey that lives in the wild, non-domesticated.
Texas has the largest population of wild turkeys in the United States, with over 500, 000 birds.
Un tipo de pavo que vive en estado salvaje, no domesticado.
Texas tiene la mayor poblaci贸n de pavos salvajes de Estados Unidos, con m谩s de 500,000 aves.
Jun chke ri taq no's pacha' ruk'aslemal are' aj juyu'b, maja' kux ajuwoja chikop.
Pa Texas are jawije' ek'o wi ri k'ialaj taq ajk'ache'laj no's pa EE.UU., kraj ek'o lo jun 500.000 rapapinel chikop.