The quality or state of being severe, of being very bad, serious, unpleasant, or harsh.
When the wound was tended too, but still bleeding, the doctor looked at it again to determine the severity.
The quality or state of being severe, of being very bad, serious, unpleasant, or harsh.
When the wound was tended too, but still bleeding, the doctor looked at it again to determine the severity.
La calidad o estado de ser grave, de ser muy malo, serio, desagradable o duro.
Cuando atendieron la herida, pero a煤n segu铆a sangrando, el m茅dico la volvi贸 a examinar para determinar la gravedad.
Ri uk'utb'al on uwachib'al chi xnimatajik, chi k'ax k'ilik, lawalo, man utz ta uwachib'al, k'axk'ol.
Are taq xiluwach ri sokotajinaq, xa k'ut katajin kel ri kik', ri ajkun xok che urilk jumul chik rech kq'alajinik we nimatajinaq chik.