A disease or condition (such as hepatitis A or hepatitis B) marked by inflammation of the liver.
There are many types of hepatitis, such as Hepatitis A or Hepatitis D. The most common forms are Hepatitis B and C.
A disease or condition (such as hepatitis A or hepatitis B) marked by inflammation of the liver.
There are many types of hepatitis, such as Hepatitis A or Hepatitis D. The most common forms are Hepatitis B and C.
Una enfermedad o condici贸n (como la hepatitis A o la hepatitis B) marcada por la inflamaci贸n del h铆gado.
Hay muchos tipos de hepatitis, como la hepatitis A o la hepatitis D. Las formas m谩s comunes son la hepatitis B y C.
Jun yab'il on wachaj (apacha' le usipojem ri seseb' A on B) ri retal are ri usipojinaqil ri seseb'.
E k'i taq uwach ri usipojem ri seseb', apacha' ri usipojem ri seseb' A on D. Ri qas kq'alajin uwach are' ri usipojem ri seseb' B xuquje C.