A winged insect that has a narrow waist and a sting.
The lady says: I love flowers, but they attract hornets, one time I got stung by one of them.
A winged insect that has a narrow waist and a sting.
The lady says: I love flowers, but they attract hornets, one time I got stung by one of them.
Un insecto alado que tiene una cintura estrecha y un aguij贸n.
La se帽ora dice: Me encantan las flores, pero atraen a los avispones, una vez me pic贸 uno de ellos.
Jun xik'ik'el chikop ri k'o uxik', ch'uti'n ri uketekikil uxe' upam, xuquje' k'o utyonib'al.
Ri chichu' ku b'ij: Nuga'n ri kotz'i'j, xa k'ut ke' ki sik'ij taq ri nim sita'l, jumul knoq xi nu ti' jun chike.