A building for human habitation, especially one that is lived in by a family or small group of people.
The green house in Chulac is made of wood with a tiled roof.
A building for human habitation, especially one that is lived in by a family or small group of people.
The green house in Chulac is made of wood with a tiled roof.
Un edificio para la habitaci贸n humana, especialmente uno que es habitado por una familia o un peque帽o grupo de personas.
La casa verde en Chulac est谩 hecha de madera con un techo de tejas.
Jun achoch chre ri ki k'olem taq winaq, pacha' jun ri k'o upam ri b'anom k'aslemal chik kumal ri alaxik on jun alaj jupuq' winaq.
Ri rax ja pa Chulac b'anom ruk' che' ruk' ri xot uwi.