Free from legal guilt or fault.
The woman was overcome with joy when the police said that their investigation showed that she was innocent of any illegal crime.
Free from legal guilt or fault.
The woman was overcome with joy when the police said that their investigation showed that she was innocent of any illegal crime.
Libre de culpa o culpa jur铆dica.
La mujer se llen贸 de alegr铆a cuando la polic铆a dijo que su investigaci贸n demostraba que ella era inocente de cualquier delito ilegal.
Junaq li na'yeeman maajun xmaak chiru li chaq'rab'.
Numtajenaq xshil sa' xch'ool li ix naq yeeb'il xb'aaneb' aj k'aak'aalehom tenamit xe'xch'olob' naq li tz'ilb'a'ix xe'xb'aanu kixk'ut chiruheb' nak maaka'a xmaak chiru li chaq'rab'.
Nya xb'inchante maqa tla til twuta ja te kawil,
A jun qya majx ma tzalal te xi tb'in qa te xb'a xpich'un tu ajxq'uqil qa min sel tal il tij .
Man k'otaj umak chuwach q'atb'altzij yey ajmak taj.
Le ixoq sib'laj xki'kotik aretaq xu to' xu b'ij ri ajchajinel tinamit chi chupam ronojel ri tzukunem xb'anik man xriqtaj makaj, maj umak chuwach ri q'atb'al tzij.