A person who interprets, especially one who translates speech orally or into sign language.
Every person in the United States judicial system has the right to an interpreter in the language that they speak and understand best.
A person who interprets, especially one who translates speech orally or into sign language.
Every person in the United States judicial system has the right to an interpreter in the language that they speak and understand best.
Una persona que interpreta, especialmente alguien que traduce el discurso oral o en lenguaje de se帽as.
Cada persona en el sistema judicial de Estados Unidos tiene derecho a un int茅rprete en el idioma que hablan y entienden mejor.
Junoq maktzel chi q'aqon ektoq q'anej mawal axka yetoq q'anej k'al yetoq sq'ab'.
Masanil anima b'ay tx'otx' Estados Unidos yetoq stx'olilal iqelal tol ay yokob'al q'anon junoq kolwal yib'antoq q'anub'al chi yal yet watx' chi yun najchaj el yuj masanil.
Jun xjal pjul yol, jun xjal tex pjul yol in xi tb'in yol tun txi tpjun toj juntl yol maqa tun txi tpjun toj men maqa kyun tqob'.
Jun jun xjal toj tnum te Estados Unidos in xi q'on jun xjal te tun xi tpjun yol te tojx tyol maqa toj juntl yol a mas in ikx toj twi.