Sense of Taste
To ascertain the flavor of by taking a little into the mouth.
Thanks to a heightened sense of taste, the man was able to decipher when food had turned bad.
To ascertain the flavor of by taking a little into the mouth.
Thanks to a heightened sense of taste, the man was able to decipher when food had turned bad.
Para determinar el sabor al tomar un poco en la boca.
Gracias a un sentido del gusto agudizado, el hombre pudo darse cuenta cuando la comida se hab铆a echado a perder.
Chre ri unaik utzayil are chi' kk'am jub'iq' xuquje' kya' pa ri chi'aj.
Maltiox chre ri le unaik ruk' aq' ri utzayil wa, le achi xkun che unaik chi le wa ub'anom itzel chik xu chapale'j u ch'amirik.