The short thick digit of the human hand that differs from the other fingers in having only two phalanges, allowing greater freedom of movement, and being opposable to each of them.
I broke my thumb years ago while playing basketball.
The short thick digit of the human hand that differs from the other fingers in having only two phalanges, allowing greater freedom of movement, and being opposable to each of them.
I broke my thumb years ago while playing basketball.
El dedo corto y grueso de la mano humana que se diferencia de los otros dedos por tener solo dos falanges, lo que permite una mayor libertad de movimiento, y ser oponible a cada uno de ellos.
Me romp铆 el pulgar hace a帽os mientras jugaba baloncesto.
Ri inko'ol raqan xuquje' pim re ri q'ab' kech ri winaq le are' man junam ta uwachib'al kuk' le nik'iaj uwi' q'ab'aj chik ri xa keb' ub'aq, ri ku ya'o nim silob'em kub'ano, ri ku' riq apon ri nik'iaj chik
K'i chi junab' kanoq aretaq xin q'ip ri chom uwi' nu q'ab' are chi' kin etz'en na basquetbol.