Either of a pair of prominent masses of lymphoid tissue that lie one on each side of the throat between two folds of soft tissue.
The boy's tonsils felt like they were swollen at the time he saw the doctor.
Either of a pair of prominent masses of lymphoid tissue that lie one on each side of the throat between two folds of soft tissue.
The boy's tonsils felt like they were swollen at the time he saw the doctor.
Cada uno de un par de masas prominentes de tejido linfoide que se encuentran a cada lado de la garganta entre dos pliegues de tejido blando.
Las am铆gdalas del ni帽o se sent铆an hinchadas cuando fue al m茅dico.
Li xtz'ik' ja'aj li al kisipo' jo' kireek'a' sa' li hoonal naq kiril aj b'anonel.
Ki jujunal ri juk'ulaj tyo'jil ri e'linaquloq re ri ukemol taq ri uchakub'al ri qul le are' ek'o cho ujujunal uchi' ri qul chuxo'l ri keb' lik'ilik taq ch'uch'uj ukemol.
Ri upauqul ri alaj ala kna'tajik chi esipojinaq are chi' xb'e che ri urilik ri ajkun.