De Jure
Latin, meaning "in law." Something that exists by operation of law.
The attorney did not want to have the case transferred to another location because, "there is no de jure judge in that town.", she said.
Latin, meaning "in law." Something that exists by operation of law.
The attorney did not want to have the case transferred to another location because, "there is no de jure judge in that town.", she said.
Del lat铆n, que significa "en la ley". Es algo que existe por el Ministerio de la ley.
El abogado no quiso que el caso se trasladara a otro lugar porque "no hay un juez de derecho en ese pueblo", dijo.
Aatinob'al Lat铆n li naraj xyeeb'al "sa; chaq'rab'." Li xwanjik sa' xk'anjelankil li chaq'rab'.
Laj nawol chaq'rab' moko xraj ta naq ta'jalmanq li xna'aj li k'anjel chi jalan nna'ajej xb'aan naq "maak'a' xchaq'rab'il li tenamit a'an", cha'an.
Toj lat铆n, ti tzerlpuna '' toj a jun kawb'il'' . Atit b'inchan toj nin ja te kawb'il
A jun kolil jon xtqey tu'n txi q'ona til xjal toj jun plajt qu'n a xtma qa '' tla jun kawil te kolb'il toj jun tnum lu''
Ch'ab'al Latin, are wa' ucholaj "chupam ri qas ku b'ij ri taqanem" Ri jun jasach k'aslik rumal rech ri upatan ri taqanel tzij.
Le ixoq ajch'o'jitzij man kraj taj kq'ax ri b'antajem pa jun kwi k'olib'al chik rumal rech chi jela' "man k'o ta ri Chupam Taqanel Tzij ajq'atol tzij pa ri jun tinamit ri'", qas je xu b'ij.