Documentos para viajar
There are four types of travel documents provided by USCIS: Advance parole; Refugee travel document; Re-entry permit; and Carrier documentation.
The family were not allowed to enter Mexico because they did not bring the appropriate travel documents.
Kaahib'eb' ru li xhuhil chi b'eek k'ojob'anb'ileb' xb'aan li molam USCIS: Li ach'ab'ank; xhuhil aj sik'ol kolb'a'ib'; xhuhil chi ok chi ak'il; ut xhuhil aj k'amol hu.
Ramb'il chaq li ru rokik li junkab'aal aran Mexico xb'aan naq ink'a' xe'xk'am xhuhil chi b'eek rik'ineb'.
Are' e kejib' uwachib'al ri Uwujil Ajb'inel ri ku ya' ri USCIS: ri Knab'ej uyaik ub'e; Uwujil ajb'inel rech to'b'alib'; Kya' ub'e kokuloq jumul chik; xuquje' kiwujil aj b'inel eqa'n.
Man xya' ta chke ri alaxik chi ko'kuloq pa Mexico rumal rech chi man xki k'amtauloq ri qas Uwujil Ajb'inel.