Exclusionary Rule
Doctrine that says evidence obtained in violation of a criminal defendant's constitutional or statutory rights is not admissible at trial.
The defendant benefited from the exclusionary rule that his rights were denied when the police interviewed him because they did not find him an interpreter in his native language.
Doctrine that says evidence obtained in violation of a criminal defendant's constitutional or statutory rights is not admissible at trial.
The defendant benefited from the exclusionary rule that his rights were denied when the police interviewed him because they did not find him an interpreter in his native language.
Doctrina que establece que la evidencia obtenida en violaci贸n de los derechos constitucionales o legales de un acusado no es admisible en el juicio.
El acusado se benefici贸 de la regla de exclusi贸n de pruebas ya que se le negaron sus derechos cuando la polic铆a lo entrevist贸 porque no le proporcionaron un int茅rprete en su idioma nativo.
Na'leb' li naxye naq reetalil junaq maak na'tawman chirix junaq jitb'il li na'muxuk re xk'ulub' a'an moko na'ruhan ta chi xk'utb'al sa' xch'utamil raqleb'aal chaq'rab'.
Ki'tenqaak li jitb'il xb'aan li xchaq'rab'il xsachb'al eetal jo'q'e na'tawman naq ki'tz'eqtaanaak xk'ulub' naq eb' aj k'aak'alehom tenamit ke'raatina sa' xk'ab'a' naq moko ke'xsik' ta aj jalol aatinob'aal sa' xtz'aqal raatinob'aal.
Jun tumel te xpichb'il tij xjal in e'l yal qa nya b'an so'k kyb'inchan tij kolb'il maqa tzaqpib'l te xjal .
A xjal a so'kx q'on tqanil ma klet tu'n jun tumel kub'ni b'inchan qa a ju xjal jon sa'j jyon yolil toj tyol tuky'l tu'n txi tqanil tumtl ti xb'ajte lay txi q'in tij tzeyb'il wutzj .
Are jun pixab' ri ku ya' ub'ixikal chi ri k'utunik xk'amik kmakunik aretaq man are' ta ucholaj ri xb'an che ri uch'o'jib'al winaqil re jun ajataj tzij xa rumal ri' man kk'amtaj pa le sujuj.
Ri aj atajtzij xu to'b'ej rib' ruk' ri Taqanik Rech Kesaxkanoq rumal rech chi ri echab'al uwinaqil man xnimax taj aretaq ri ajchajinel tinamit man xki riqtaj ri ajq'axal tzij pa ri u ch'ab'al areatq xb'an k'otow chiaj chre.