The quality or fact of belonging to a population group or subgroup made up of people who share a common cultural background or descent.
An individual's ethnicity is one of five factors that are considered when examining an application for asylum.
The quality or fact of belonging to a population group or subgroup made up of people who share a common cultural background or descent.
An individual's ethnicity is one of five factors that are considered when examining an application for asylum.
Cualidad o hecho de pertenecer a un grupo o subgrupo de poblaci贸n formado por personas que comparten un origen cultural o una ascendencia com煤n.
La etnia de una persona es uno de los cinco factores que se tienen en cuenta al examinar una solicitud de asilo.
Wwanjikeb' li poyanam sa' jun ch'uut jo'wi' ch'ina teep b'arwi' nake'oken poyanam li junajik raatinob'aaleb' maraj junajik x'xe'toonileb'.
A' li choch'el sululil a'an jun reheb' ob' li k'a'uxlej na'k'a'uxlaman naq na'tz'ilman rix li xtz'aamahom junaq yoo chi xsik'b'al kolb'a'ib'.
T-kayb麓ajtz maqa axix tok ti麓j t-xilen jun k麓lojin maqa jun tal k麓lojin te tnam b麓incha麓n kyu麓n xjal a junx kylok' ti'j kyanq'ib'l maqa t-xe麓chil junx.
A t-xjalil maqa tlok' jun xjal jun kyxol jwe麓 ti麓chaq n-chi b麓inchet aj t-xi q麓et twitz ti麓j jun xjelb麓itz aj t-xi q'o'n jun tnajb'il.
Ri uje'lik ri rumal rech ri ek'o pa jun jutz'ob'aj winaq yey inl'a'j molaj lo, ri q'alaj chikixo'l ri xa junam winaqilal xuquje ri ki xete'yil.
Ri B'antajikil rech jun winaq are jun chke ri k'o chuxo'l ri job' ub'anikil ri kil uwach aretaq knik'ox ri wuj re kolb'al ib'.