A written decision, written by a judge, holding legal authority.
The judge issued an order for the defendant to stay away from the plaintiff for a period of 45 days.
A written decision, written by a judge, holding legal authority.
The judge issued an order for the defendant to stay away from the plaintiff for a period of 45 days.
Una decisi贸n escrita, redactada por un juez, con autoridad legal.
El juez emiti贸 una orden para que el acusado se mantuviera alejado del demandante por un per铆odo de 45 d铆as.
Raatin aj raqol aatin, tz'iib'anb'il xb'aan aj raqol aatin, li naxk'am xwankilal li chaq'rab'.
Laj raqol aatin kixkanab' xtaql sa' xb'een li jitb'il chi xnajtinkil rib' chiru aj q'ab'anel chiru xq'ehil 45 kutan.
Tz'ib'am taqanik, tz'ib'am rumal jun ajq'atol tzij, ri k'o uchuq'ab'il q'atb'al tzij.
Ri ajq'atol tzij xuya' ri taqanik re ajq'atol tzij chre ri ajatajtzij che ku tas rib' 45 q'ij chuwach ri ajch'o'jinel.