
A device other than a watch for indicating or measuring time by means of hands moving on a dial.
The clock in the 5th grade classroom was not working. Because of this, the teacher had to keep time on her wrist watch.
Ri rajilab’al ramaj chupan ri k’ulb’al tijonik quinto grado man nisamej ta’. Roma’ ri tijonel ixoq k’o chi xutz’et ri ramaj rik’in ri rajilab’al ramaj ri k’o chuq’a.
A device other than a watch for indicating or measuring time by means of hands moving on a dial.
The clock in the 5th grade classroom was not working. Because of this, the teacher had to keep time on her wrist watch.
Un dispositivo distinto a un reloj para indicar o medir el tiempo mediante agujas que se mueven en un dial.
El reloj en el aula de quinto grado no funcionaba. Debido a esto, la maestra tuvo que llevar la cuenta del tiempo en su reloj de pulsera.