Tall (Height)
Of great or more than average height, especially (with reference to an object) relative to width.
"Don't be afraid." The dad said to his son. "The man is tall, but he is very kind."
Of great or more than average height, especially (with reference to an object) relative to width.
"Don't be afraid." The dad said to his son. "The man is tall, but he is very kind."
De gran altura o m谩s alta que el promedio, especialmente (en referencia a un objeto) en relaci贸n con su anchura.
"No tengas miedo." Le dijo el pap谩 a su hijo. "El hombre es alto, pero es muy amable."
Nim raqan on nim chi na chikiwach, apacha' (junam kel ku b'ij ruk' jun jasach) pa ri utzijob'alil rij ri ulik'ilem.
"Kxi'jta awib'." Xu b'ij ri tat chre ri alaj uk'ojol. "We achi ri' nim raqan, xa k'ut utz uk'u'x."